I've Been Struggling Lately
I've been struggling lately. It's nothing unique and I know I'm not alone in feeling this way. Fighting for animals in a world that is...
The Bravery of Turkeys
American Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It's a time when friends and family come together to count their blessings and reflect...
Notes From the Field - "We Cut Those Parts Off"
Sometimes you hear about things happening to animals that you just can't believe. As investigators, we have a lot of those moments but...
The Dangers of Welfarism
Thirty years ago, at the age of 13, I went vegetarian. It's frustrating to think that it took until just six years ago to finally go...
The First Time I Held a Chicken
The first time I held a chicken I cried - I mean, ugly cried. The chicken was a Silkie, black and beautiful, being raised by a neighbour...
Art As Activism: The Power of Interpretation
The power of interpretation in activist art hit me recently while I was studying a particularly compelling painting by Mary Britton...
What An Injured Gull Taught Me About Society
Leaving the loving embrace of Toronto Veg Fest, I was immediately thrust back into general society's disregard for animals. On the drive...
Why art as activism
Welcome to my inaugural blog post! In this post I'll answer the question of Why Art? Since I've launched this art website, I've noticed...